Raul Grijalva We in this Congress have a choice. The American people have a right to exercise a choice on this issue, as to whether our men and women will continue to fight and die in a war based on deception and fantasy, or to start bringing the troops home. – Raul Grijalva American Quotes Based Quotes Bringing Quotes Choice Quotes Congress Quotes Continue Quotes Deception Quotes Die Quotes Exercise Quotes Fantasy Quotes Fight Quotes Issue Quotes People Quotes Start Quotes Troops Quotes War Quotes Women Quotes The American people have decided that it was a mistake to choose to go to war in Iraq. More than half the combat deaths in Vietnam occurred after Richard Nixon was elected on a promise to bring the war to an end, and after the American people had already decided that they did not want one more soldier to die in Vietnam.
Bram Stoker A house cannot be made habitable in a day; and, after all, how few days go to make up a century. – Bram Stoker
Ruben Blades What is interesting in this is the exchange of music that occurred between New Orleans and Cuba, I mean, they had ferries that would go from one port to another. – Ruben Blades
Jock Sturges A virulent, aggressive minority has decided that Americans don’t know themselves what it is they should see, and need to be protected by people who are wiser than they are, even if they are only a tiny sliver of the population. – Jock Sturges
Donna Tartt To really be centered and to really work well and to think about the kinds of things that I need to think about, I need to spend large amounts of time alone. – Donna Tartt
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Most states in the union where the death penalty is theoretically on the books don’t have executions. – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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