Brene Brown We judge people in areas where we’re vulnerable to shame, especially picking folks who are doing worse than we’re doing. – Brene Brown Folks Quotes Judge Quotes People Quotes Picking Quotes Shame Quotes Vulnerable Quotes Worse Quotes Through my research, I found that vulnerability is the glue that holds relationships together. It’s the magic sauce. Maybe stories are just data with a soul.
Reid Hoffman So benevolent, enlightened, wise dictators are the most efficient form of government. The problem is what comes afterwards, right? – Reid Hoffman
Metro BoominMusic You hear what Thug says in his songs – the musical level of it is so crazy that it doesn’t register with some people, so they call it trash. But anybody who loves music can appreciate what he’s doing. – Metro Boomin
Patty Jenkins When people are crass or loudmouthed, it’s not because they don’t give a damn. It’s from fear and insecurity. – Patty Jenkins
ChangeMiriam Defensor-SantiagoSociety We are legislators, not public works contractors. People look up to us to make serious laws that could change the lives of a great number of people or could change the way society is run or managed. – Miriam Defensor-Santiago
J William Fulbright We have the power to do any damn fool thing we want to do, and we seem to do it about every 10 minutes. – J William Fulbright
Paul Weller There was a time in my 40s where I thought, oh, it’s all over – not just work, but I’m never going to feel young again, I’m always going to feel like I know what’s going to happen, I’ll know what to expect. Looking back I don’t know if that was a midlife crisis, I don’t know – but I don’t feel that now. There’s possibilities. It gets better. – Paul Weller
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