Sky Blu We just party and we’re always making music and just having fun with our friends. – Sky Blu Friends Quotes Fun Quotes Music Quotes Party Quotes I’ve had the police called to my house nine times, Foo’s had the police called to his house. We’re just funny people that make music seriously.
Peter Straub I write longer sentences than most of the others, maybe because I probably like Henry James more than they do. – Peter Straub
Enrique Iglesias Realistically, English is a universal language; it’s the number one language for music and for communicating with the rest of the world. – Enrique Iglesias
Haskell Wexler Employers will work you longer for less money and under questionable safety conditions because it is their duty to prioritize the bottom line. As individuals, we cannot complain. That’s why we need a union to speak for us, certainly when our safety, our health, and our very lives are at stake! – Haskell Wexler
Jeff Hanneman We’ve met so many people you’d never even suspect of being Slayer fans: suits, lawyers, and people like that. – Jeff Hanneman
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