Regina King We know that’s the bottom line: if money is made, the powers that be pay attention. – Regina King Attention Quotes Money Quotes Pay Quotes Powers Quotes Children at certain ages have distinct actions, and boys at certain ages have a particular way of acting too. I know in my own marriage I stayed in it to provide my son with what I thought was a stable background and to give him what I thought was the family life a child should have with two parents. But that isn’t always the best way, and it took me taking my son to therapy after the divorce to really see it.
Douglas Brinkley We can only imagine the history of the free world today if, at the end of the Civil War, there had been two countries: the United States and the Confederate States of America. – Douglas Brinkley
Emma Gonzalez As constituents, we’ve become lazy in terms of what we want and how to get it. If we, as a constituency, don’t like what Congress is doing, but 90 percent of incumbents get reelected every year, that’s a problem. – Emma Gonzalez
Monica Crowley In many ways, Nixon started the modern notion of ‘compassionate conservatism,’ which as we all know is neither ‘compassionate’ nor ‘conservative.’ – Monica Crowley
Josh Hartnett My hat was pulled down and this girl said ‘Are you really him?’ I whispered ‘Yeah, I’m really him.’ She screamed, ‘Mom! Dad! It’s Heath Ledger! – Josh Hartnett
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