Richard Parks Bland We know well enough that if we repeal this law and give nothing for it, the people of this country will regard it as a total demonetization of silver, which it will be, so far as this Congress is concerned, without any question. – Richard Parks Bland Concerned Quotes Congress Quotes Country Quotes Demonetization Quotes Law Quotes People Quotes Question Quotes Regard Quotes Repeal Quotes Silver Quotes Total Quotes What is the effect of unlimited coinage of silver in this country? and I invite your attention to this particularly, because it is a question of vital importance. Are you to give up the fight and let this vast body of our wealth go to ruin? I do not believe it.
Nick Petrie It’s odd for me to compare my stuff to Lee Child’s, because I’m such of fan of his, and also because it’s curiously something I never did until I kept hearing about our protagonists’ similarities. – Nick Petrie
Peter MorganSmile Nixon had lists upon lists upon lists. They were tragic lists saying, ‘Smile more,’ or, ‘Be stronger – remember, it is your job to spiritually uplift the nation.’ This understanding of his limitations is heartbreaking. – Peter Morgan
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