Mother Angelica We live in an age that stresses personal goals, careers, happiness, work and religion. The emphasis is on the individual and how best that individual can satisfy himself. – Mother Angelica Age Quotes Careers Quotes Emphasis Quotes Goals Quotes Happiness Quotes Individual Quotes Live Quotes Personal Quotes Religion Quotes Satisfy Quotes Stresses Quotes Neighbors are competitors instead of partners, suspicious instead of trustful, indifferent instead of helpful, cold instead of loving, greedy instead of generous. We no longer consider ourselves living in neighborhoods, but only as living next to ‘hoods.’ Married life has become to many a necessary burden, but a burden that is shed very easily.
Rachel Simmons Girls may love movies about fairytale princes, but their most captivating romance is with their friends. – Rachel Simmons
Esther Dyson The challenge of email is that people send you stuff for free, and it becomes items on your to-do list. – Esther Dyson
Jonas Mekas There is no other way to break the frozen cinematic conventions than through a complete derangement of the official cinematic senses. – Jonas Mekas
No ID There’s the way modern music is produced, which is, ‘Here’s a piece of music, and I’m the producer, so pay me and make sure my credit is right and get me my splits.’ But I’m trying to go backward. Now, it’s more like ‘What’s the texture? What’s the over-arching story?’ There are more things to pay attention to than ‘Is this the right snare?’ – No ID
John Hawkes When I realized that you can’t necessarily be cast in a really great part living in Austin, even when Hollywood comes to town, I got a demo reel together and headed out west. – John Hawkes
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