Roger Daltrey We lived the life with Keith Moon. It was all Spinal Tap magnified a thousand times. – Roger Daltrey Keith Quotes Life Quotes Lived Quotes Magnified Quotes Moon Quotes Spinal Quotes Tap Quotes Times Quotes Fifty per cent of rock is having a good time. I had me jaw broken, and so my chin stuck way out. That’s how I became tough – I learned to pick up anything and fight back.
Peter Molyneux You know, the health bar in ‘Fable III’ was destined to be this pixel-high line at the top left-hand side of the screen. No one was looking at it! No one even knew it was there! – Peter Molyneux
Birdy I wanted to give people a taste of my own music through the sound and style of my covers. – Birdy
Suman Ranganathan I’ve been very lucky. The moment I decided to return to films, I got two good projects. – Suman Ranganathan
Michael C Hall I like to think I am well-mannered. If I have the option at a breakfast place, I’ll go with the grits. That’s how Southern I am. – Michael C Hall
Iggy Azalea I hated school so bad. I only liked art class during high school. I was always smart. – Iggy Azalea
Stone Gossard The past is filled with people who aren’t traditionally thought of as fantastic singers singing these songs that capture people; songs like ‘Louie Louie.’ I just aim toward that, and I think I’ve gotten better at it. – Stone Gossard
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