Edward Carpenter We lived within two hundred yards of the sea, and its voice was in our ears night and day. – Edward Carpenter Day Quotes Ears Quotes Lived Quotes Night Quotes Sea Quotes Voice Quotes Yards Quotes Whatever the practical value of the Walden experiment may be, there is no question that the book is one of the most vital and pithy ever written. The other thing that happened in 1883 was my reading of Thoreau’s Walden.
Michael Arden Unless we build theater and performing arts, then we’re not going to be creating future patrons. We need to make it accessible. – Michael Arden
Donald Pleasence John Carpenter created the idea of Halloween, so his vision remains the most focused and intelligently directed of the series. The directors that have followed have kept the original intent of the concept. – Donald Pleasence
Andrew Lincoln When you are an actor every day kind of morphs into one as there is no set structure to my job. – Andrew Lincoln
Olly Murs I’m a big soccer fan, so any soccer player that I meet, I always get star struck. I’ve met a lot of big stars – Justin Timberlake, Michael Buble – and I don’t ever get starstruck, but when I met famous ex-football players, I just got completely starstruck. – Olly Murs
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