Anna Boden We love telling stories about characters who you root for, even though they sometimes make it really hard for you to root for them and the choices they make. – Anna Boden Characters Quotes Choices Quotes Hard Quotes Love Quotes Root Quotes Stories Quotes Telling Quotes Especially as an independent director, when you’re writing something on spec and you’re trying to get it sold, you create this entire world in your head and you feel like you know every minutiae of how everything should be. I’m one of the most superstitious people I know. There are these two battling parts of me, one is very rational and intellectual, and the other part of me, at my core, I believe in magic in a certain way, and serendipity.
Ian Ziering I’m a student of the movies. I’m a student of all media. This is what I do, and I like to immerse myself in what’s current and what’s topical. And I find that I’m drawn to those things. – Ian Ziering
Marlon Vera It doesn’t matter who is in front of me. I just focus on getting better, and I’ve been showing that fight to fight. – Marlon Vera
Brad Renfro I would say, stay the hell away from the party scene. Anything you put in front of your goal, and especially something like that, whether it’s too much gambling, too much food, too much cold beers on the weekend – anything that you put in front of the prize is going to end up getting in the way and hurting you in the end. – Brad Renfro
Ella Purnell I’m really interested in food now. I never used to be. I always used to just eat when I’m hungry, and now it’s an experience. – Ella Purnell
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