Heinrich Boll We must learn, and especially we Germans, that resistance is not only possible and allowed in dictatorships. There is resistance that man must perform every day. – Heinrich Boll Allowed Quotes Day Quotes Dictatorships Quotes Germans Quotes Learn Quotes Perform Quotes Resistance Quotes Between 1950 and 1951, I worked as a temporary employee in the Cologne Bureau of Statistics. From summer 1951 on, I have lived as a freelance writer with a fixed postal address in Cologne but with a continually shifting place of work. The war is not planned. I don’t believe that any responsible person plans it. But it’s thought as possible.
Milo Yiannopoulos America has a problem with fake hate crimes. The Left is always searching for the next big outrage, and sometimes when the pressure gets too high, they just decide to make them up. – Milo Yiannopoulos
Benjamin Wittes If Trump wants to corruptly direct the conduct of an investigation in order to out an FBI source who was helping our government investigate Russian interference in our electoral processes, well, Article II of the Constitution begins with these terrifying words: ‘The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.’ – Benjamin Wittes
Henry IV I would willingly give fifty thousand crowns to be able to say that I took Paris without costing the life of one single man. – Henry IV
Goh Chok Tong As people grow up and they want more freedom, it’s on an individual basis, children want to have more freedom, you’ve got to allow that, so how do you balance it. I would say let it evolve, move as quickly or slowly as people would like to move. – Goh Chok Tong
Joan Laporta Dealing with a world-class player there are always going to be other clubs interested in him. – Joan Laporta
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