Jacky Rosen We must make every effort to extend a hand to the stranger, and continue to fight to make sure we don’t give up on our American values. – Jacky Rosen American Quotes Continue Quotes Effort Quotes Extend Quotes Fight Quotes Hand Quotes Stranger Quotes Values Quotes Before coming to Congress, I worked as a computer programmer and a systems analyst. Our country is a nation of immigrants, who, for centuries, have come here, fleeing persecution, bringing their dreams, their fears, and their hopes for a better life.
Don MattinglyRespect The players get no respect around here. They give you money, that’s it, not respect. We get constantly dogged and players from other teams love to see that. That’s why nobody wants to play here. – Don Mattingly
Jim Leach When I look at Social Security, I consider it the most important social program in the United States, arguably the most successful program in the world. – Jim Leach
Ian Gillan What happens is we finish the show, have a couple of drinks, go back to the hotel, talk, and that’s it. – Ian Gillan
Marc-Andre ter Stegen Sometimes journalists say that goalkeepers can do a little more when they play against Messi, but I see it in every training: it does not matter where you place yourself; he’s going to shoot to the other side. – Marc-Andre ter Stegen
Ken Liu The way that China has been described in Western narratives makes it hard to tell a story that will escape the stereotypes and allow people to perceive it fresh. – Ken Liu
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