Dorothy Day We must recognize the fact that many Nazis, Marxists and Fascists believe passionately in their fundamental rightness, and allow nothing to hinder them from their goal in the pursuit of their mission. – Dorothy Day Fascists Quotes Fundamental Quotes Goal Quotes Hinder Quotes Marxists Quotes Mission Quotes Nazis Quotes Passionately Quotes Pursuit Quotes Recognize Quotes Rightness Quotes Together with the Works of Mercy, feeding, clothing and sheltering our brothers, we must indoctrinate. Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again.
FinanceTim Jackson Productivity – the amount of output delivered per hour of work in the economy – is often viewed as the engine of progress in modern capitalist economies. Output is everything. Time is money. The quest for increased productivity occupies reams of academic literature and haunts the waking hours of C.E.O.s and finance ministers. – Tim Jackson
Nicole Maines I think kids need to watch ‘Supergirl’ for Nia, because there are more and more trans people coming out younger and younger. – Nicole Maines
Saqib Saleem The traffic is getting worse everyday and thus making people do things they ideally wouldn’t do and you can’t blame them as sitting in their cars getting baked in the sun for at least a couple of hours everyday would turn anyone delirious. – Saqib Saleem
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