Antonin Artaud We must wash literature off ourselves. We want to be men above all, to be human. – Antonin Artaud Human Quotes Literature Quotes Wash Quotes It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must from time to time be present. Hell is of this world and there are men who are unhappy escapees from hell, escapees destined ETERNALLY to reenact their escape.
IntelligenceVictoria Moran Our culture has long mistrusted the body. It’s been seen as a confusing blend of God’s handiwork and the devil’s playground. It is, rather, a vortex of intelligence. – Victoria Moran
Aaron Stanford It’s fun playing villains. It’s people who are not held by any moral constraints – or any constraints, for that matter. It’s a chance to be completely off the leash and do things that you never could in real life. – Aaron Stanford
Andrea Leadsom What I’m suggesting is making an offer to the E.U. for things that were already agreed in the withdrawal agreement that will enable us to leave with a managed exit. – Andrea Leadsom
Brandon Ingram I’m just happy to be drafted. It’s my lifelong dream. Wherever I end up, I’ll be happy. – Brandon Ingram
Sarah Jeffery If you love animals and you care for them… don’t wear them, because they have feelings and personalities just like humans do. – Sarah Jeffery
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