Miroslav Lajcak We need to address significant funding gaps when it comes to implementing the SDGs. – Miroslav Lajcak Address Quotes Funding Quotes Gaps Quotes Implementing Quotes Sdgs Quotes What keeps me awake at night is the issue of relevance of the United Nations. The U.N. was created for people.
Frankie Bridge My nan always had lots of jewellery and I remember she had these little pots that she kept on the dressing table. I would sit in front of the mirror and try it all on. – Frankie Bridge
Baz Luhrmann I often think to myself, at the end of an interesting life it’s maybe not such a bad thing to spend your last days with your friends sitting by the blue, blue ocean reliving the story of your life while sitting in the dangerous sun. – Baz Luhrmann
Bill Dedman Lie detectors sometimes work because people believe they work, deterring the wrong people from applying for jobs in the first place, or prompting admissions of guilt during interrogations. – Bill Dedman
Craig Ferguson I just do my thing and try each show to be more honest about why I am and who I am. It’s quite tricky and actually nerve-racking to do that. It’s kind of a happy train wreck. – Craig Ferguson
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