Jeanne Shaheen We need to invest in a way that makes sure we’ve got the workforce we need in the future. – Jeanne Shaheen Future Quotes Invest Quotes Workforce Quotes The Kremlin hacked our presidential election, is waging a cyberwar against our NATO allies, and is probing opportunities to use similar tactics against democracies worldwide. Why, then, are federal agencies, local and state governments, and millions of Americans unwittingly inviting this threat into their cyber networks and secure spaces? Low-wage jobs have gone offshore. We need to innovate to stay competitive.
Jill McCorkle For years, I felt I was a novelist, but now I know I can write short fiction. – Jill McCorkle
Ariel Sharon Netanyahu is pressured easily, gets into a panic, and loses his senses… to run a country like Israel a leader needs to have reason and judgment and nerves of steel, two traits he does not have. – Ariel Sharon
Ha-Joon ChangHealth The feeling of insecurity is inimical to our sense of wellbeing, as it causes anxiety and stress, which harms our physical and mental health. It is no surprise then that, according to some surveys, workers across the world value job security more highly than wages. – Ha-Joon Chang
Christian McKay I want to record ‘Goyescas’ by Granados, which has been a great love of mine since I was a teenager. – Christian McKay
LearningMick Mars I’m thinking about learning a few new things – like taking classical guitar lessons – and I’d like to bring what I learn into hard rock. – Mick Mars
ForgivenessMichael Finkel Perhaps one could say I’ve worked in South Africa too long, but I believe in forgiveness, especially when a person admits a mistake, asks for forgiveness, and works to right a wrong. – Michael Finkel
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