Isaac Yeffet We need to put undercover security armed people at the curbside of the terminal with the uniform of policemen. We need to protect the terminal. We need to protect the security checkpoint, the gate, the aircraft, the perimeter. – Isaac Yeffet Aircraft Quotes Armed Quotes Checkpoint Quotes Curbside Quotes Gate Quotes People Quotes Perimeter Quotes Policemen Quotes Protect Quotes Security Quotes Terminal Quotes Undercover Quotes Uniform Quotes There is only so much negotiating and maneuvering that can be done while the aircraft is under siege in mid-air. Therefore, the best way to put a stop to hijacking is by having high levels of security implemented by qualified and trained personnel both on the ground and in the air.
CoolJonathan Krohn In politics almost all of us are nerds, so that’s just a given… but we’re cool nerds. – Jonathan Krohn
Grant Shapps I think he would care if you were a good person, if indeed there is a god. – Grant Shapps
Sammy Hagar When we were on the road, I found out that my greatest hits album went Gold. They freaked out. Things really came to a head when we started arguing about a Van Halen greatest hits package. – Sammy Hagar
Alfred Lord TennysonExperience All experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move. – Alfred Lord Tennyson
Jeri Ryan They said that Seven was a former Borg who had been human and had been assimilated. She was regaining her humanity. I had no interest in this character. – Jeri Ryan
Ross Douthat If you live under a system that claims to have high ideals but seems ineradicably opposed to your own people’s flourishing, the desire for idealistic reform within the system has to coexist with an openness to more radical possibilities. – Ross Douthat
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