Christopher Dodd We owe it to each other – and to our children and grandchildren – to leave our planet in a better state than when we found it. – Christopher Dodd Children Quotes Grandchildren Quotes Leave Quotes Owe Quotes Planet Quotes As the temperature drops, the need for heating oil goes up. America’s highways, roads, bridges, are an indispensable part of our lives. They link one end of our nation to the other. We use them each and every day, for every conceivable purpose.
Pritam Singh For the longest time, the state discourse in Singapore has eschewed any reference to welfare. Similarly, the state has tended to place meritocracy on a pedestal. Political leadership has tended to frame both issues in the extreme, with welfare representing the bad, and meritocracy representing the good. – Pritam Singh
Taavet Hinrikus The financial crisis of 2008 created a seismic shift in the dynamics of trust in financial services. FinTech would have happened without the global financial crisis – but it would have taken much longer. – Taavet Hinrikus
Eugene McCarthy No man could be equipped for the presidency if he has never been tempted by one of the seven cardinal sins. – Eugene McCarthy
Chuck DMusic The Internet was a saving grace for promoting and exposing, and even creating. It’s a parallel world to the music industry that already exists, and I’m glad to be a part of it. – Chuck D
Pete Doherty Money wasn’t important to me. Once I discovered music, I was quite happy to live as a bum. As long as I had my music and my band, I was happy. – Pete Doherty
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