Chang-Rae Lee We read and remember certain writers because they offer distinctive voices and perspectives, because they’ve given themselves over completely and passionately to their obsessions while vigorously ignoring everything else. – Chang-Rae Lee Completely Quotes Distinctive Quotes Ignoring Quotes Obsessions Quotes Offer Quotes Passionately Quotes Perspectives Quotes Read Quotes Remember Quotes Vigorously Quotes Voices Quotes Writers Quotes I often think that the prime directive for me as a teacher of writing is akin to that for a physician, which is this: do no harm. Before I start my work in the morning, I need to have quickly browsed the entire paper, noting articles that I want to read during lunch.
Daniel Tammet Aesthetics – rather than reason – shapes our thought processes. First comes aesthetics, then logic. ‘Thinking in Numbers’ is not about an attempt to impress the reader but to include the reader, draw the reader in, by explaining my experiences – the beauty I feel in a prime number, for example. – Daniel Tammet
Jadon Sancho It was crazy how many clubs wanted me – it shows how well you’re doing, but I always felt Dortmund was right for me. – Jadon Sancho
Manoj Bajpayee For me, when I choose a script, I put my heart and soul into it, and that is exactly what I look for in a film. A good film is a good film. And if it’s a bad film, irrespective of whether it’s made 300 crores or 200 crores or any amount of money, it doesn’t matter to me. – Manoj Bajpayee
Lauren Jauregui I want to give the girls who admire us everything I can. I don’t want to just fill them with selfies and crap. That’s not what I’m about. I’m about, ‘Be aware of the world and that you’re not the only one in it.’ – Lauren Jauregui
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