Rose George We see the sea as this place of leisure and this place, you know, a blue patch on the map to fly over because we all go by plane these days, mostly. And we don’t really see it as a place of industry anymore. – Rose George Blue Quotes Days Quotes Fly Quotes Industry Quotes Leisure Quotes Map Quotes Patch Quotes Plane Quotes Sea Quotes It’s difficult on a ship to get away from your job because that accommodation house, which is where seafarers live, is their workplace, it’s where they live, it’s where they relax, it’s everything, and it’s just hard to get away. And seafarers often refer to their job as being in prison with a salary. There are few industries as defiantly opaque as shipping. Even offshore bankers have not developed a system as intricately elusive as the flag of convenience, under which ships can fly the flag of a state that has nothing to do with its owner, cargo, crew, or route.
Mary Leakey I go once a year to the Serengeti to see the wildebeest migrations because that means a lot to me, but I avoid Olduvai if I can because it is a ruin. It is most depressing. – Mary Leakey
Bernadine Dohrn I wish that I had bridged the feminist movement and the anti-war movement better than I did. – Bernadine Dohrn
Marcus Sakey When people ask me where I get my ideas, I lie. I tell them I draw inspiration from the news, the world, my dreams. Or I joke and say that I steal from other writers. I lie because I don’t know where ideas come from, and I’m afraid if I look too hard, they’ll stop coming. – Marcus Sakey
Mark Strong I’m like anyone; I make a lot of my assumptions about actors I don’t know from what I read about them. And then I’ll find those judgments are often completely confounded when I meet them in real life. – Mark Strong
Angel Di Maria Along with my teammates, we have a lot more great things to achieve, and we will continue to help PSG grow as a big club internationally. The support of all those that love this club will help us go beyond our own limits and defend our colours with passion and determination. – Angel Di Maria
Gladys Berejiklian I’m really proud of a lot of the achievements we’ve made as a government but obviously I’ll be putting my mark on the premiership and doing things that I think are important in terms of my own personal priority. – Gladys Berejiklian
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