Claire McCaskill We shouldn’t deny the right of the minority to filibuster, but we need to do a much better job of making them own it. That way, the American people could figure out who is being obstructionist and who is willing to compromise. – Claire McCaskill American Quotes Compromise Quotes Deny Quotes Figure Quotes Filibuster Quotes Job Quotes Minority Quotes Obstructionist Quotes People Quotes It seems to me that before we give federal funds to police departments, we ought to mandate that they have body cams. We work for the public, and I believe that if a senator wants to block a piece of legislation or a nominee, they owe the public an explanation.
James Redfield I try not to recommend too many books, frankly, because I think there’s a certain synchronicity that happens when people discover books. – James Redfield
Brittany Murphy Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they’re right in front of your face and they’re really difficult, but we must make them. – Brittany Murphy
Hu Jintao Building a good, stable, and productive China-U.S. relationship is in our mutual interest of our two countries and our two peoples, and also contributes to peace and development. – Hu Jintao
Paul Craig Roberts Whether one has a favorable or unfavorable opinion of unions, their demise is also the demise of countervailing power. A system in which there is no countervailing power is a tyranny in which power is unconstrained and unaccountable. – Paul Craig Roberts
Naomi I knew a women’s Royal Rumble would happen eventually, but nobody was sure. We speculated about it in the locker room; we were all so excited. – Naomi
Oliver North The American people need to tell their member of Congress that we need a strong defense to protect us and to prevent wars. We can’t get away with simply leading from behind and gutting our defenses. – Oliver North
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