Henry Sy We strongly believe that the Philippines has huge potential in the tourism industry, given our beautiful islands, moderate weather conditions, good cuisine, and the flair of Filipinos for hospitality and entertainment. – Henry Sy Beautiful Quotes Conditions Quotes Cuisine Quotes Entertainment Quotes Filipinos Quotes Flair Quotes Hospitality Quotes Huge Quotes Industry Quotes Islands Quotes Moderate Quotes Philippines Quotes Potential Quotes Tourism Quotes Weather Quotes My basic strategy is to stick to my core business and to my area of expertise. You have to have a dream, whether big or small. Then plan well, focus, work hard, and be very determined to achieve your goals.
FoodJon Taffer Don’t build a bar for yourself. Build it for your customers. It’s all about them: the walls, the finishes, the textures, the food, the beverages, literally everything has to be for them. – Jon Taffer
Peter Jennings It is essential for politicians to make a connection with us, as Franklin Roosevelt did, as Teddy Roosevelt did, as John F. Kennedy did, as Ronald Reagan did. – Peter Jennings
Anupam Roy Everyone wants to be happy at the end of the day. If we can pursue what we really want to do, we don’t get bored of life. – Anupam Roy
Justin Theroux Unless you hit your television with a sledgehammer, you’re not going to be able to be an individual. – Justin Theroux
ChancePeter Crouch Ronaldo, the Brazilian one – incredible player. I met him once. I was in Ibiza on holiday and quite by chance ran into him in a club. He’s the only man I’d go up to and ask for a picture. And I did. – Peter Crouch
Oksana Masters I use Olay Total Effects Tone Correcting CC Cream in place of foundation post-workout. I absolutely love that it’s quick, easy, and something I can use on the go. It evens out my skin tone, provides SPF 15 protection, and leaves my skin feeling breathable, healthy, and moisturized. – Oksana Masters
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