Kevin Kelly We tend to think of the mind of an organization residing in the CEO and the organization’s top managers, perhaps with the help of outside consultants that they call in. But that is not really how an organization thinks. – Kevin Kelly Ceo Quotes Consultants Quotes Managers Quotes Mind Quotes Organization Quotes Organizations Quotes Residing Quotes Tend Quotes And they discovered something very interesting: when it comes to walking, most of the ant’s thinking and decision-making is not in its brain at all. It’s distributed. It’s in its legs. This is actually a very important principle that science is learning about large systems like evolution and that futurists are learning about anticipating human society: just because a future scenario is plausible doesn’t mean we can get there from here.
John Key I have more engagement with New Zealand than people might think. Unlike the impression I have of the American president, who sits in the Oval Office and people come to them. – John Key
Amy Adams I still think I’m like the poor girl from Colorado who worked three jobs to buy a car. That’s still my mentality, so I’ll be walking down the street, and I forget what I do and who I am. – Amy Adams
Meera Chopra I wanted to be a designer but I guess destiny had other plans for me and I became an actor. – Meera Chopra
John Edgar Wideman I often want things to make definite statements. If I order onions sliced thinly on my hamburger, I don’t want them to come out sort of medium. But that doesn’t mean it’s a reasonable desire, in all things. – John Edgar Wideman
Angela Ruggiero There were no women’s players I knew of. I didn’t even know women’s hockey existed. – Angela Ruggiero
Mary Tyler Moore I still feel as if I weren’t a good enough mother. I didn’t break any rules. – Mary Tyler Moore
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