Henry Mayhew We then journeyed on to London Street, down which the tidal ditch continues its course. – Henry Mayhew Continues Quotes Ditch Quotes Journeyed Quotes London Quotes Street Quotes Tidal Quotes In No. 1 of this street the cholera first appeared seventeen years ago, and spread up it with fearful virulence; but this year it appeared at the opposite end, and ran down it with like severity. Advice to persons about to marry – don’t.
George Hickenlooper Kelly Preston is a remarkable human being and a great dramatic actress. It was a privilege as a director to tap into this part of her. Rarely do I make a kind of spiritual connection with my cast. Kelly was a wonderful exception. She is truly very special and I adore her. – George Hickenlooper
Suleika Jaouad When you are talking to a dog about cancer, there are no judgments or taboos. – Suleika Jaouad
Tae Yoo Social incubators not only create economic impact but also have impact across sectors, such as healthcare, education, and the environment. As the interest in social innovation increases, there is a greater need to help existing programs improve and build new programs. – Tae Yoo
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