Jaggi Vasudev We think the government is running the country, but it is just a policymaker. Unknowingly, people are inviting the government to run their lives. The only business of the government is to come up with the right policies. – Jaggi Vasudev Business Quotes Country Quotes Government Quotes Inviting Quotes Lives Quotes People Quotes Policies Quotes Policymaker Quotes Running Quotes Unknowingly Quotes Fearmongering has always happened, which, through technology, is being spread faster. When the Divine descends, you just accommodate.
Ramez Naam Orange juice from concentrate is labeled. Food coloring Red #5 is labeled. Fish are labeled as to whether they’ve been previously frozen. To a consumer, there’s no plausible reason why these factors should be on a food ingredient label while the presence of GMOs shouldn’t be. – Ramez Naam
Michael Leunig The creative act is also in a small way a suffering act – we start out with our ego, this hope of making this thing whatever it be, but so often it eludes us and it collapses and we kind of regress into this mental suffering, we can’t find what we’re looking for. – Michael Leunig
Grayson Allen I’d rather have most of my life private. So, what you do see in me is on the court, and on the court, I am competitive. I’m an irritant to the other team. Emotional. Fired up. And so that’s what people see, and that’s what they judge off of. – Grayson Allen
Jack Markell As one of the first employees at a small cellular phone start-up called Nextel, I gained firsthand experience in how a business grows from an idea to a company that, at its peak, employed many thousands. – Jack Markell
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