Eric Hoffer We used to think that revolutions are the cause of change. Actually it is the other way around: change prepares the ground for revolution. – Eric Hoffer Change Quotes Ground Quotes Prepares Quotes Revolution Quotes Revolutions Quotes The weakness of a soul is proportionate to the number of truths that must be kept from it. A heresy can spring only from a system that is in full vigor.
Mario Batali You know, when you get your first asparagus, or your first acorn squash, or your first really good tomato of the season, those are the moments that define the cook’s year. I get more excited by that than anything else. – Mario Batali
Daniela Ruah I’ve met real female NCIS agents who were smaller than I am. They were very petite. – Daniela Ruah
Sophia Amoruso It’s the beauty of the Web. You can pretend to be anything you want. But people figure out pretty quick if you don’t live up to it. – Sophia Amoruso
Maria Semple I try to begin with a strong grasp of my characters. Even if it’s schematic, I need it clear in my head who these people are. – Maria Semple
Steve Zissis I was an early peaker, and then I went through a depressive part of my life and had some struggles personally. Things don’t always happen as you’d expect them to happen, but there’s always a second act. – Steve Zissis
Erika Jayne Sometimes people expect you to be something that you’re not or want you to be something that is out of your philosophy, yet they claim they are a fan. Like, ‘I’m really your fan, but you should get a nose job!’ That’s not really a fan. – Erika Jayne
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