Miguel NicolelisScience We want kids to think that they can think about science. They don’t need to just play soccer. – Miguel Nicolelis Kids Quotes Play Quotes Science Quotes Soccer Quotes I’m a real nerd for science. I love Neil deGrasse Tyson and ‘Cosmos’ and all that. Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.
Gwen Moore The reality is is that Congress is a very male-gendered oriented institution. Out of the, you know, more than 10,000 people who’ve ever been elected to Congress, you know, only about 250 of them have ever been women. – Gwen Moore
Arancha GonzalezPositive Laws matter. With effective implementation and enforcement, good laws can nudge forward positive changes in social and cultural mores. – Arancha Gonzalez
Dean Ambrose Where a new guy may only know one or two ways to do something, I know all of the moves, and I’ve forgotten more stuff than the newer guys might even know. – Dean Ambrose
Michael G Rubin America’s a country where you can come, you can be an entrepreneur, you can create great value. I don’t think you ever want to deter that from happening because this is a place where so many great businesses get created and started. – Michael G Rubin
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