Ellen StofanSpace We want to make sure we get living astronauts to the surface of Mars. – Ellen Stofan Astronauts Quotes Living Quotes Mars Quotes Space Quotes Surface Quotes Throughout Johnson Space Center’s history, contributions to STEM innovation and discoveries has been both through new technologies developed to advance human spaceflight and through educating, inspiring, and hiring students in STEM fields. I’ll tell you, being involved in human space flight, it is an emotional endeavor. I think it brings in the highest highs and the lowest lows.
Gene Roddenberry To cast Mr. Spock, I made a phone call to Leonard, and he came in. That was it. – Gene Roddenberry
Stephen Furst I didn’t get a Bachelor’s degree – I got a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts, which means I didn’t have to take humanities, math, and stuff like that. I think I had to take Art History, which I failed a few times. – Stephen Furst
Ethan Zuckerman Re-tweeting is a pretty common practice on Twitter, but on an average day, we see maybe one out of 20 posts is a re-tweet. – Ethan Zuckerman
Oliver Sykes I must have been about 13 when I first heard Linkin Park and, to be honest, music had never played that much of a part in my life to that point. – Oliver Sykes
Marquis de Lafayette I had displeased the jacobins by blaming their aristocratic usurpation of legitimate powers; the priests of all sorts by claiming religious liberty; the anarchists by repressing them; and the conspirators by rejecting their offers. – Marquis de Lafayette
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