Nicholas Hammond We went from being seven kids to being the seven most famous children in the world. – Nicholas Hammond Children Quotes Famous Quotes Kids Quotes What with ‘The Brady Bunch,’ ‘Spider-Man’ and ‘Sound of Music,’ I have three cults going. He can’t have any friends and maintain his secret identity as Spider-Man. He can’t even have a normal sex life. He’s a national hero, yet he’s a recluse. He’s instantly recognized by the public, but he cant tell anyone who he is.
Etgar Keret In the army you feel violated – there’s no private space. Writing was a life-saver, a way of recovering private territory. – Etgar Keret
Lauren Weisberger Of course I consider myself a Jewish writer – I am one! All of the protagonists in my five books have been Jewish, and I wouldn’t be surprised if all my future main characters were as well. – Lauren Weisberger
Olga Tokarczuk When we talk about books, we rarely talk about the economic side of writing, especially of writing literary works, and that, at base, it’s a pretty costly enterprise. – Olga Tokarczuk
Elia Kazan Very often the Group actor is a critic when he’s acting and an actor when he’s criticizing. – Elia Kazan
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