Stellan Skarsgard We were working under very harsh conditions on ‘Zero Kelvin.’ We were up there in the Arctic, closer to the North Pole than to a hospital. Sometimes you had to sleep in small Arctic tents with guns to protect yourself from polar bears and stuff. – Stellan Skarsgard Arctic Quotes Bears Quotes Closer Quotes Conditions Quotes Guns Quotes Harsh Quotes Hospital Quotes Kelvin Quotes North Quotes Polar Quotes Pole Quotes Protect Quotes Sleep Quotes Stuff Quotes Tents Quotes It’s fun to play characters with a past, but it’s also fun to play any role that is what I would call a ‘pressure cooker’ kind of character, where the lid is on, and it’s left to simmer throughout the movie. Some actors are what I call more like mirror actors, which means that they do a performance at home in front of the mirror, and then they go deliver it. I’m not that type.
Susanna Reid While everyone rails against the Covidiots who are panic-buying toilet rolls, can I put my hand up and admit I have stocked up? – Susanna Reid
Clifford Geertz If I remember correctly, a writer is someone who wants to convey information. Language or writing is a code. – Clifford Geertz
Michael Horse The old image of Tonto and the Lone Ranger was one that we, as Indian people, didn’t care much for; it was kind of a second-class citizen. – Michael Horse
Tab Hunter Without a doubt, my sexuality was something that I just never discussed, especially in the 1950s. – Tab Hunter
FaithJoyce Kilmer When faith did come, it came, I think, by way of my little paralyzed daughter. Her lifeless hands led me; I think her tiny feet still know beautiful paths. – Joyce Kilmer
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