Gherman Titov We were young, we were pilots, and we were hungry to test the new technology of ‘space machines.’ And we all wanted to be first. – Gherman Titov Hungry Quotes Machines Quotes Pilots Quotes Space Quotes Technology Quotes We thought our careers as cosmonauts – we were young then – would end with a flight to Mars. But, you see, life has made some course corrections.
GG Allin Rock’n’roll has to be destroyed and rebuilt in my name if it’s ever gonna accomplish anything. – GG Allin
Craig T Nelson Sometimes you’re encouraged, and other times disappointed. It’s a matter of going in and precluding all that with, ‘This is what I do, not who I am.’ I need to be who I am in the process of doing what I do. I need to stay true to what it is I’m really here for. And that’s the hardest thing, the biggest challenge. – Craig T Nelson
Brendan BehanLove A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him. – Brendan Behan
Faith Hunter Shelter dogs are the most loving, wonderful, sweet pets in the world. They understand being rescued, loved, and protected. The hubs and I have 2 rescued 11-yr-old Pomeranians, who adore us. – Faith Hunter
Graham Moore I’m just this committed dilettante. I think what I’ve found is that I’ve tried to do a lot of different things in my life and discovered I’m not as good at them as I’d want to be. – Graham Moore
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