Ernie Fletcher We will attract more people to Kentucky by lowering our income tax rate. In fact, lowering the income tax rate is the single most important thing we can do to create opportunity. – Ernie Fletcher Attract Quotes Create Quotes Income Quotes Kentucky Quotes Lowering Quotes Opportunity Quotes People Quotes Rate Quotes Single Quotes Tax Quotes Whenever I am among my fellow Governors, I am struck by how many face the same education improvement issues. My vision for Kentucky is a Commonwealth where there is so much economic opportunity, and our quality of life is so high, that people who are born here can stay here, and people who aren’t fortunate enough to be born in Kentucky, can look forward to locating here.
Brian Sutton-Smith Puritanical attempts to cure society by taking toys away from children are hypocritical and futile. – Brian Sutton-Smith
Caroline Polachek Ashes Of Love’ has much more hot-blooded vocal than what PC Music is known for, and a much harder production than what I usually do, so I was fully prepared for people to hate it. – Caroline Polachek
Margo Price I love Willie Nelson’s ‘Phases And Stages’; there’s so many songs from The Band and Bob Dylan that have gotten me through hard times, like ‘Tears Of Rage.’ I love Karen Dalton’s ‘In My Own Time’ and Skip James. – Margo Price
David Crosby My father being in the movie business, I thought being an actor would be great. But when I started singing to people in coffeehouses, you know, singing folk music and then, later, singing songs that I started to write myself, I felt more than an affinity for it. I felt a calling. – David Crosby
Edward SnowdenGovernment Being a patriot doesn’t mean prioritizing service to government above all else. Being a patriot means knowing when to protect your country, knowing when to protect your Constitution, knowing when to protect your countrymen, from the violations of and encroachments of adversaries. And those adversaries don’t have to be foreign countries. – Edward Snowden
Romeo Dallaire Kofi Annan was the U.N. Under-Secretary General for peacekeeping operations. He had the responsibilities in regards to the mounting and operation of peacekeeping missions around the world. – Romeo Dallaire
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