Liz Parrish We will ‘de-age’ progressively, as cures are developed. – Liz Parrish Cures Quotes Deage Quotes Developed Quotes Progressively Quotes I think gene therapy and nanotechnology go hand in hand. Epigenetics is very important. We are keeping a close eye on iPS cells and other genetic methods of reprogramming the epigenome.
Eric Yuan Enterprise customers have been working together with us for a long time, they trust us, and we just keep everything open and transparent. – Eric Yuan
Peter Fonda I knew Henry Fonda was my father, but I didn’t know who I was. They all thought of me as Henry Fonda’s son. Unfortunately for them, they never got to know me. – Peter Fonda
Christina Tosi I approach life with a ‘jump’ sort of mentality, although I wasn’t raised to take crazy risks. I was raised to be a crazy hard worker. It seems to be a pretty good match of qualities. – Christina Tosi
Jean Kennedy Smith To tell the truth, I don’t feel the pressure of fame. I don’t have the problem of being a celebrity in terms of recognizability. – Jean Kennedy Smith
Ivan Reitman It’s been about 15 years, and I’ve never really worked seriously in CGI and I thought that here was an opportunity to do the kinds of things that I was not able to do on Ghostbusters. – Ivan Reitman
Maddie Marlow I have a really weird thing with my dreams. I’ve had vivid dreams in the past that actually came true days after the dream. – Maddie Marlow
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