Arthur BlankKnowledgeRespect We will ensure that associates continue to possess unsurpassed product knowledge and maintain their dedication to customer service and respect for their colleagues and for the communities in which they work and live. – Arthur Blank Arthur Blank Quotes Associates Quotes Colleagues Quotes Communities Quotes Continue Quotes Customer Quotes Dedication Quotes Ensure Quotes Knowledge Quotes Live Quotes Maintain Quotes Possess Quotes Product Quotes Respect Quotes Service Quotes Unsurpassed Quotes This country deserves a statesman who can represent the people with proper decorum, respect, and knowledge of what’s happening in the world, and I don’t believe that Donald Trump represents any of that. I’m a student of world religion, so to me, it’s hugely important to have knowledge and to understand what people are doing.
Patrisse Cullors Wherever black people are in America, criminalization exists. Wherever there is a white-dominant space, deep racism exists as well – no matter how progressive. If you cut too far into that progressive, if you do something that’s too radical, white racism will emerge. – Patrisse Cullors
Mark Zandi Defaulting on the nation’s debt would be cataclysmic. The U.S. Treasury’s Aaa rating is the one constant in the world’s financial system. When times are bad anywhere on the planet, global investors flock to Treasury bonds because they know they will get their money back. – Mark Zandi
Faye Dunaway I’m still the little southern girl from the wrong side of the tracks who really didn’t feel like she belonged. – Faye Dunaway
Edward Zwick Sometimes when we weep in the movies we weep for ourselves or for a life unlived. Or we even go to the movies because we want to resist the emotion that’s there in front of us. I think there is always a catharsis that I look for and that makes the movie experience worthwhile. – Edward Zwick
Jay Parini It seems likely that Jesus, being a scholarly young man, learned some Hebrew, but that’s conjecture. It’s more likely that Jesus spoke some Greek, as this language dominated the region after the conquests of Alexander the Great in the fourth century. – Jay Parini
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