Erin O'Connor We won’t get economic growth if we don’t look after our mothers and the potential of the next generation. They need to be prioritised. – Erin O’Connor Economic Quotes Generation Quotes Growth Quotes Mothers Quotes Potential Quotes Prioritised Quotes My plan growing up was to leave home and try not to panic. I always knew that to strive to be self-sufficient was an important ambition. The ‘Best of British’ is a positive thing that’s bandied around, but also it’s applied pressure to our country in terms of economic growth. I think we’ve always felt the rest of the world is so much more powerful in terms of being commercially viable, but we can take great pride in our level of creativity.
John W VesseyJr My job is to give the president and secretary of defense military advice before they know they need it. – John W Vessey, Jr
Angie Harmon When I feel like I’m not doing what I am supposed to as a mother, I will torture myself. I don’t know how to deal with it. I find some consolation in the fact that all mommies feel it. If there was a way to cure mommy guilt, I would bottle it and be a bazillionaire. – Angie Harmon
Abiy Ahmed Working hard on peace process is a very good thing for yourself, for your region, for your country. – Abiy Ahmed
Masai UjiriSmile It doesn’t all have to be about giving money. Sometimes it’s a smile that changes the life of one little kid. – Masai Ujiri
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