Anita Hill Well, of course it was a very trying time for me, and fortunately I had a lot of people who were supportive. A lot of people who were writing and calling and saying they were praying for me. Some people sent me Scripture, and that helped. – Anita Hill Calling Quotes Fortunately Quotes Helped Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Praying Quotes Scripture Quotes Supportive Quotes Time Quotes Writing Quotes But the issue of sexual harassment is not the end of it. There are other issues – political issues, gender issues – that people need to be educated about. If you think about the way the hearings were structured, the hearings were really about Thomas’ race and my gender.
Gaspar Noe Death is not evil. Death can be good news. It all depends. Some people come to this world and live in hell so birth is not always positive. Death can sometimes be positive. – Gaspar Noe
Dorothea Dix I was early taught by sorrow to shed tears, and now when sudden joy lights up, or any unexpected sorrow strikes my heart, I find it difficult to repress the full and swelling tide of feeling. – Dorothea Dix
CoolMike McCready There are some people who have stayed with us our whole career, which is pretty cool too. – Mike McCready
Drew Brees I’m a very modest person. But I’m also extremely confident. And if you put me in the situation or in the moment, I’m gonna have some swagger, I’m gonna have some cockiness. – Drew Brees
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