Michael Madsen Well, one thing for sure, I won’t be remembered for ‘Free Willy.’ Or maybe I will. – Michael Madsen Remembered Quotes Willy Quotes Kids are a great excuse for you to stop acting like one. I swim a lot, almost every day. I just go out to the beach by my place in Malibu and jump into the ocean.
Helmut Schmidt I will not be remembered in history. I have not been shot. I have not launched any great tragedy or victory. I have not borne any great defeat. It was a very normal – it still is a very normal – human life of a political leader. – Helmut Schmidt
Adam Kluger I attended a post-college program in L.A. for Music Business and Production. Took several courses involving Music Production, Arrangement, and Songwriting. – Adam Kluger
Hugo Black The Framers of the Constitution knew that free speech is the friend of change and revolution. But they also knew that it is always the deadliest enemy of tyranny. – Hugo Black
Dana Brooke In life, you’re always going to have obstacles put in your path and I am a prime example of from when I was a little girl to where I am now, you control your own destiny. – Dana Brooke
Om Malik The lens through which I view the media world is pretty simple: If you are in the business of sucking up attention, then you are in the media business. – Om Malik
Hans Frank It was my dream, and probably the dream of every one of us, to bring about a revision of the Versailles Treaty by peaceful means, which was provided for in that very treaty. – Hans Frank
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