Janet Hubert We’re all complaining about diversity in Hollywood, but we’ve got to address the colorism within the black community of Hollywood first. – Janet Hubert Address Quotes Black Quotes Colorism Quotes Community Quotes Complaining Quotes Diversity Quotes Hollywood Quotes Why do people need awards? Don’t you know your value and your worth? I don’t need anybody’s award or acceptance. We are not brain surgeons. We are not curing cancer. We are not finding the next cure for Alzheimer’s. We are simply and merely entertainment. We take on and wear the masks of characters. That’s what we’re paid to do.
David Christian We, as extremely complex creatures, desperately need to know this story of how the universe creates complexity and why complexity means vulnerability and fragility. – David Christian
Philip Hammond While I believe firmly in open markets and free trade, I also believe an open market needs a level playing field. – Philip Hammond
Imran Amed I always wanted to do creative things, but I was really interested in entrepreneurship. My family comes from a very entrepreneurial culture, so business was always something I was interested in. – Imran Amed
Justin Cartwright Advertising, the product of capitalism, can only justify itself on the premise that the market is a force for good. – Justin Cartwright
Anna Quindlen I would even go to Washington, which is saying something for me, just to glimpse Jane Q. Public, being sworn in as the first female president of the United States, while her husband holds the Bible and wears a silly pill box hat and matching coat. – Anna Quindlen
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