John Cameron Mitchell We’re all weirdly single, middle-aged women with too much money who look to fill the void with too much shopping. – John Cameron Mitchell Middleaged Quotes Money Quotes Shopping Quotes Single Quotes Void Quotes Weirdly Quotes Women Quotes I’m an honorary old Jewish lady of the West Village. I actually came out the year that AIDS hit the front pages. So there was this mixed feeling about it – excitement that life’s finally begun, but it was completely tied up with mortality and danger and politics.
ChanceRon DeSantis An approach that phases in congressional term limits reconciles the self-interest of members of Congress with the public’s desire to see these changes enacted and gives us the best chance to make term limits a reality. – Ron DeSantis
David CageFinance Each time you buy a used game, this is money that doesn’t go into the pocket of the people that took the risk to create this, to finance it, to develop it. – David Cage
Robert Fuller It’s harder and more sporting to hunt turkey with a shotgun, because it is difficult to get next to them with a scattergun. – Robert Fuller
Danny John-Jules I left ‘Death in Paradise’ because I wanted to get back on stage. – Danny John-Jules
Nina Tassler Without the nontraditional methods we used to promote ‘Jericho’… we wouldn’t have been able to get the traction we did. – Nina Tassler
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