Min Jin Lee We’re always observing, and we’re cautious people. We really want attention, but at the same time, we’re ashamed of wanting attention. All those bizarre qualities of being outside are necessary for being a writer. – Min Jin Lee Ashamed Quotes Attention Quotes Bizarre Quotes Cautious Quotes Observing Quotes People Quotes Qualities Quotes Time Quotes Writer Quotes I have romantic ideas about home and what it should mean. I’ve often felt like an outsider, not necessarily because I’m Korean, an immigrant, or female. I think writers are odd people.
Barbara Fialho I’ve learned about ice water in the morning – when you wake up tired, or you’re jet lagged and you’ve been flying and your skin is dry, or you have puffy eyes – the ice water really helps cool the face down and helps circulation. – Barbara Fialho
HealthTim Johnson We have a country that wants to believe it is the best in everything, but until all of us embrace the idea that health care should be a right, not a privilege, our system cannot be glibly described as, quote, ‘the best in the world.’ – Tim Johnson
Lexa Doig For the past 10 years, people have been making fun of the eighties. Why are we bringing them back? – Lexa Doig
Colin HayFamous I got very famous for a minute and then it just all went away, you know? And for the last 20 years – you’ve got to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and then go on your merry way and start again, in a sense, and that’s what I’ve been doing. – Colin Hay
James Balog There is a glacier in Iceland, Solheimar, which has retreated a great deal, and every time I go back there and see what’s not there any more, it does something to the heart. It makes you realise it’s possible for a gigantic natural element to just disappear. – James Balog
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