Ron Fournier We’re living in an era of unprecedented change, and I want to be a part of documenting it. – Ron Fournier Change Quotes Documenting Quotes Era Quotes Living Quotes Unprecedented Quotes Mandates are rarely won on election night. They are earned after Inauguration Day by leaders who spend their political capital wisely, taking advantage of events without overreaching. With gridlock the norm, Congress’s approval rating is below 10 percent and the public has lost faith in its national leadership.
Michael Chandler For as long as I can remember, our family has been huge Cardinals fans. My grandpa is a personal friend of Whitey Herzog’s; they were neighbors for decades. Our love and support of the Cardinals definitely runs deep. – Michael Chandler
Germaine Greer Marriage made more sense when it was indissoluble. It’s the woman trying to cope with the strains of a one-parent family who will suffer most from the relaxation of the divorce laws. – Germaine Greer
J Paul GettyMenWork There are one hundred men seeking security to one able man who is willing to risk his fortune. – J Paul Getty
Phillipa Soo I read ‘Backstage’ a lot when I first was unleashed into the world from drama school. And what was great about it was that if I was using it or not, it was just nice to know what was happening in my community. – Phillipa Soo
Jeff Lindsay Later, in the afternoon, I read what I did that morning. It’s almost always a surprise. But I can read it rationally; edit, polish, re-write, and think what I might do tomorrow in the early darkness. – Jeff Lindsay
Marlo Thomas Despite our ever-connective technology, neither Skype nor Facebook – not even a telephone call – can come close to the joy of being with loved ones in person. – Marlo Thomas
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