Michelle Beadle We’re not all Kim Kardashian. We can’t have $15,000 from head to toe every single day. – Michelle Beadle Day Quotes Head Quotes Kardashian Quotes Kim Quotes Single Quotes Toe Quotes I love clothes, but when it comes down to actually getting dressed, I usually just wear ZARA sweatshirts, jeans and the same pair of boots I’ve had for seven years, every single day of my life. I like certain things, I don’t like others, and I like what NBC has to offer. I can do sports and I can do entertainment, and whatever they offer I’m going to try at least once to figure out what I love and what I don’t.
Franchesca Ramsey My channel is an opportunity to give people a new perspective on natural hair. Love what you have and work with what you’ve got. I think that’s really important. – Franchesca Ramsey
Samantha Harvey There are many ways to go about a story. And if you give yourself some formal constraints, it just makes the job so much – maybe ‘easier’ isn’t the right word, but because you know your boundaries, you can just play within those boundaries much more, so it’s much more fun to do. – Samantha Harvey
Jeff Dunham I taught myself computer. Then Macintosh came along, and it became a really bad addiction. If I wasn’t in show business, I’d have pocket protectors growing out of my chest. I do everything on it. It’s kinda sick. – Jeff Dunham
Jessica Lange I could be making a lot more money now if I had chosen a different kind of movie, but none of that matters to me… I’ve done the parts I wanted to do. – Jessica Lange
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