James Murray We’re professionals and we made a pact to each other when we created the show that if we ever felt it was getting stale or repetitious or not pushing the format in new and interesting ways, we would stop doing it. – James Murray Created Quotes Format Quotes Pact Quotes Professionals Quotes Pushing Quotes Repetitious Quotes Stale Quotes You know, comedy and horror are flip sides of the same coin. The best way to describe our live show is that it’s like hanging out with your best friends from TV for a night.
Michael Pena There are not too many times when a movie’s not cynical, you know what I mean? – Michael Pena
Ravindra Jadeja My biggest achievement more than any award is contributing in a winning cause for my team. – Ravindra Jadeja
John Nettles Take vicars; there are often village vicars in ‘Midsomer Murders’, but the village vicar in England was killed off long ago. – John Nettles
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