Peter Steele We’re the only species who hunts for sport. – Peter Steele Hunts Quotes Species Quotes Sport Quotes I just like being a social experiment sometimes. I really should not be allowed in public. But I just go out into the public just to see people’s reaction. The thing is, I can do anything I want, virtually, within reason, just to see people’s reaction.
Gina Raimondo During my four years as treasurer, we restructured our pension system, cutting the state’s unfunded liability almost by half and putting our retirement system on stronger footing. – Gina Raimondo
Miles Robbins I guess I did get a good perspective on how ridiculous it is that people think celebrities are important just by the nature of them being known by people. – Miles Robbins
Eddie Marsan When I was doing fringe theatre, my ambition was to do repertory. When I got to rep it was to do national theatre; then it was t,o get a couple of parts in television. I never had this great desire to overreach myself. I was too busy enjoying acting. I was just obsessed with it. – Eddie Marsan
Megan Smith I think open source is an evolutionary idea for humanity, this idea of transparency. It played out for us in the technology world, but it also played out with the idea of a truth and reconciliation commission and Wikipedia. – Megan Smith
Keiynan Lonsdale Some people think ‘Higher’ is about literally getting high, and other people think it’s more in a spiritual sense. To me, it’s all that. To me, it was like I need to escape from this down state – emotionally, spiritually, mentally, everything. I want to be above this. Wherever we are now. I need to go up. – Keiynan Lonsdale
Shannon Purser I think once I kind of got to a place of self-acceptance, looking past all the insecurities that I have, I’ve really grown so much as a person. – Shannon Purser
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