IndependenceNawaz Sharif What are we fighting the terrorists for if we ourselves do not even stand up for democracy – civil liberties and fundamental rights – which includes independence of the judiciary? – Nawaz Sharif Civil Quotes Democracy Quotes Fighting Quotes Fundamental Quotes Includes Quotes Independence Quotes Judiciary Quotes Liberties Quotes Rights Quotes Stand Quotes Terrorists Quotes I have no doubt that if confirmed, Judge Gorsuch would help to restore confidence in the rule of law. His years on the bench reveal a commitment to judicial independence – a record that should give the American people confidence that he will not compromise principle to favor the president who appointed him. Drone attacks are against the national sovereignty and a challenge for the country’s autonomy and independence. Therefore, we won’t tolerate these attacks in our territorial jurisdictions.
BirthdayDatingSusan Isaacs I must have been yearning for some Jewish content beyond my genetic makeup because soon after my 21st birthday, I noticed I was no longer dating WASPs. – Susan Isaacs
Delilah Put the kids in a cool bath, then get them to bed, then light a candle. Do whatever you need to do to ease your troubled mind. – Delilah
Michael Buble I get to study and I got to mimic and what I basically did was I stole from every person that I could steal from. I was an imitator. That’s what I was. It was years before I could take all of these things that I loved about all of these different artists and put them together and find my voice. – Michael Buble
Evan Dando It is hard, though, ‘cos record labels love to boss you around. I won’t let them do that anymore. – Evan Dando
Jerry Spinelli I’m remembering one book that I wrote, ‘Fourth Grade Rats,’ that took a month to write, but most of them, full-length novels, I would say about a year. – Jerry Spinelli
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