Leo Varadkar What I do now is I train in the mornings, and people ask me why I do it. I do it for two reasons: first of all, to keep in shape, but secondly, I think training, sport, and physical activity is really good for mental health. – Leo Varadkar Activity Quotes Health Quotes Mental Quotes Mornings Quotes People Quotes Physical Quotes Reasons Quotes Shape Quotes Sport Quotes Train Quotes Training Quotes There are far too many people who get up early in the morning, and work hard, who cannot make ends meet. Neither of my parents are involved in politics or anything like that, but my dad is political, certainly, and we would have always talked about politics and religion and money, and all those things that you’re not supposed to talk about at the dinner table, we did.
Pierre Loti Painting and music were the only things I worked at industriously and faithfully. – Pierre Loti
Liam Neeson People ask me if I ever feel outside the Hollywood loop, and I never do, because both of us do a lot of theatre, so it’s great for New York and it’s also half-way between Europe and the west coast, so it’s the best of both worlds. – Liam Neeson
Deborah Raney I think the simplest advice I could give would be to wait until asked before giving advice. – Deborah Raney
Sushmita Sen Everything that has come my way has moulded me as an actor and as a person. – Sushmita Sen
Noah Wyle I was not necessarily the best student. I was not necessarily the favourite kid. I wasn’t necessarily the most responsible or the most ambitious, and suddenly, when you get given celebrity, you get anointed with all these lovely qualities that you don’t have, necessarily, but everyone assumes you must because you’re successful. – Noah Wyle
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