Ronald Coase What I have done is to show the importance for the working of the economic system of what may be termed the institutional structure of production. – Ronald Coase Economic Quotes Institutional Quotes Production Quotes Structure Quotes Termed Quotes During the two centuries since the publication of ‘The Wealth of Nations,’ the main activity of economists, it seems to me, has been to fill the gaps in Adam Smith’s system, to correct his errors and to make his analysis vastly more exact. In my long life, I have known some great economists, but I have never counted myself among their number nor walked in their company.
Lisa Madigan Navient’s actions have led to student borrowers needlessly carrying billions of dollars in debt, and the company must be held accountable. – Lisa Madigan
Pranav Mistry Exposure to fields like design to technology and from art to psychology gave me a quite nice/interesting viewpoint to the world. – Pranav Mistry
DreamsMelissa Auf der Maur As soon as I became old enough to make my dreams my reality, I became a firm believer that the subconscious and the world outside of our flesh and blood is essentially the truth. – Melissa Auf der Maur
Ben Ray Lujan The Department of Agriculture plays an integral role in supporting New Mexico’s farms – from small family farms to large agricultural operations. – Ben Ray Lujan
Kay Bailey Hutchison I just don’t see anonymous sources as fair against a candidate. I think if someone has a real concern, they should come out and say it. – Kay Bailey Hutchison
Dianne ReevesExperience Art is a direct reflection of the life you live. What you experience comes out in your work. – Dianne Reeves
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