Meghan Daum What I want is to have people’s notion of adulthood no longer be so defined by being a parent. There is some kind of conventional wisdom that you’re not really a mature person until you become a parent. – Meghan Daum Adulthood Quotes Conventional Quotes Defined Quotes Mature Quotes Notion Quotes Parent Quotes Peoples Quotes Person Quotes Wisdom Quotes It is important for children to grow up in a world where there are all kinds of adults and role models around them, for them to know it’s not just parents and people who are parents that care about them, but that there are people who are living other kinds of lives. Becoming a parent is always going to be a default setting. I truly believe there will always be more people who want to have children than who don’t.
Deepak Chopra There is no separation between mind and body… Self and other co-arise and fall away all the time. – Deepak Chopra
Hedy Lamarr If I were to name my favorite pastime, I’d have to say talking about myself. I love it and I think most other people do too. We need, people like us, more listeners and less talkers. – Hedy Lamarr
Declan Rice I had to move away from home at 14 and live in a club house in Romford for three years, only seeing my mum and dad twice a week. – Declan Rice
Sibel Kekilli I really think that Muslim people should stop raising their boys and girls that way. They instill a macho culture right from the start of childhood. And if you have never learned to treat girls and women respectfully, you will never be able to act differently later on than the men in your culture, and in your family. That’s fact. – Sibel Kekilli
Sara Sheridan There are so many ways to do research – even watching old Ealing comedies, watching people getting on and off buses in London, looking at household interiors. – Sara Sheridan
Dave McClure Offline, anything is expensive. Online is much cheaper, usually, to do almost anything. – Dave McClure
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