Douglas Southall Freeman What is character? It is that quality of man which is going to make a man, in an hour of strain, do the just and, if possible, the generous thing. – Douglas Southall Freeman Character Quotes Generous Quotes Hour Quotes Quality Quotes Strain Quotes Character is the starting point from which we go on. When I say a man has character, I mean that when you go to that man and say, ‘What are the facts in this case?’ he will tell you the truth, justly, truly, and wisely as he knows, with the minimum of exhibitionism and the maximum of devotion to the common cause. Character is the essence of all that a man has seen in life and regards as high and exalted. Character is like truth: the substance of the things that a man has forgotten but the substance of the things that are worth remembering in life.
Angela BowieChristmasEasterIndependence I didn’t feel the need to rebel as a teenager. From age nine to 16, I went to school in Montreux in Switzerland, and it was heaven. I went to England for the Easter holidays, Cyprus for Christmas and summer holidays, and I was delighted to have that independence. – Angela Bowie
Adam Davidson The economics profession advances by one confusing financial disaster at a time. – Adam Davidson
Jim Parsons I was very average in the social label scale going through school. I was neither the coolest person in school, nor did I suffer the slings and arrows of being made fun of to such a degree that I couldn’t get through the day. – Jim Parsons
Bob Hawke My point was that the war was intrinsically wrong, and as a result of our participation we haven’t improved Australia’s security but created a greater danger at home and abroad. – Bob Hawke
Jeff Lindsay I need quiet and solitude to work. Darkness is best. If I am wide awake, I can’t write. – Jeff Lindsay
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