Gene Roddenberry What Kirk wanted every evening was to go to bed with a beautiful woman. Our captain now is a man of infinitely more skill. A better man. – Gene Roddenberry Beautiful Quotes Bed Quotes Captain Quotes Evening Quotes Infinitely Quotes Kirk Quotes Skill Quotes Woman Quotes It was ‘ST’ format to let space and alien worlds, rather than human weakness, provide the conflict and danger necessary to our adventure show.
Robert Herjavec I don’t think anybody ever started a great business because they wanted to make a little more cash. They had a dream. They wanted to better their life. – Robert Herjavec
Stephen Furst I didn’t get a Bachelor’s degree – I got a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts, which means I didn’t have to take humanities, math, and stuff like that. I think I had to take Art History, which I failed a few times. – Stephen Furst
Patrick Henry Unite liberality with a just frugality; always reserve something for the hand of charity; and never let your door be closed to the voice of suffering humanity. – Patrick Henry
Michael O'Donoghue I am Hollywood’s hottest young, middle-aged director, but I’ll write out of New York because I don’t want to become a salad head. That’s what you become out there: a guacamole dip. – Michael O’Donoghue
Ricky Jay I certainly was performing before my writing was published, because I was performing when I was very young. And the thing is I’m very comfortable on stage, so a large portion of my act did come from ad-libs. – Ricky Jay
Binnu Dhillon It’s surreal. Here I was, a bhangra champion who had performed at an Indian festival in the U.K. and Germany, a television theatre actor who barely made Rs 1,000 a day working like a donkey all year round. – Binnu Dhillon
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