Barkha Dutt What people, both while voting or while watching television, seek is the same – to know what you stand for and whether you can tell a story that captures their imagination and holds their attention. – Barkha Dutt Attention Quotes Captures Quotes Holds Quotes Imagination Quotes People Quotes Seek Quotes Stand Quotes Story Quotes Television Quotes Voting Quotes Watching Quotes The crests and troughs in Covid-19 cases and the spikes and falls of daily infographics by which we now measure the wellness of our lives have been based mostly on city-driven data. As women, many of us have internalised our lives as a prolonged version of boot camp, a sort of Darwinian call to toughen up or perish. As young women, we are terrified that men we consider our mentors can turn out to be monsters.
Dick Clark I have accomplished my childhood dream: to be in show business. Everybody should be so lucky to have their dreams come true. I’ve been truly blessed. – Dick Clark
Clare Boothe Luce The women who inspired this play deserved to be smacked across the head with a meat ax and that, I flatter myself, is exactly what I smacked them with. – Clare Boothe Luce
Armando Iannucci I briefly thought of becoming a priest but quickly saw that would be ridiculous. – Armando Iannucci
IntelligenceLewis Thomas It is only when you watch the dense mass of thousands of ants, crowded together around the Hill, blackening the ground, that you begin to see the whole beast, and now you observe it thinking, planning, calculating. It is an intelligence, a kind of live computer, with crawling bits for its wits. – Lewis Thomas
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